Children’s decoration design and DIY are activities that we can mix and make a game of them. Today we will share some projects for the fall season that are both fun. Some even suitable for Halloween, but as a general rule easy to do. As for the materials, they are mostly natural. Especially paper and others that we can find at home.
Ideas with pumpkins
It will only be enough to be inspired and make a weekend something fun in the company of the children. To collect the materials we can take advantage of a family trip. We take advantage of the moment to gather chestnuts, autumn leaves, and tree branches. We would only have to buy some ornamental gourds. They can be white and it is recommended that they be in different sizes.
Ideas with cardboard and paper
With them, we can create countless things for children’s decoration, design, and fun. According to its shape, we can create animated figures like Frozen. Specifically the funny snowman. It is a simple project for which we will need a scarf, clown noses, and some branches. Children can paint the face and other details. Then we must let the paint dry properly.
Snowman decoration
Children enjoy drawing on many surfaces. We can take advantage of tree bark for this. You can combine the handprints and dried leaves to make a kind of collage. It’s an excellent project for birthdays and times when they can’t play outside. Another way can be using family photos, also as a collage.
Decorating colorful pencils
This will allow them to decorate their desk if they are of school age. Keeping children entertained is certainly a difficult task. These DIY proposals are also a means to develop your intelligence. They are activities that will also help them develop their imagination. Similarly, also their aesthetic appreciation while having fun. Enjoy our gallery and these wonderful ideas for the family.
Halloween decorations and crafts
The origin of this festival comes from the Celtic culture and is associated with the end of summer and harvests. The Celts thought that on these dates the spirits could access our world, both the benevolent and the malevolent. Offerings were made to the spirits of relatives and they were honored, while malevolent spirits were chased away, hence the tradition of such terrifying ornaments.
Simple decorations to make
Today this holiday is widely celebrated in Canada and the United States, although it is true that it is spreading very rapidly throughout the world. In Europe, Halloween is the equivalent of the Christian celebration of “All Saints’ Day”, which takes place on November 1.
Egg wrap bats
Now let’s go to see some designs of Halloween decorations and crafts that we can make at home, like this great hanging ornament with cardboard bats. For its elaboration, we will need the cardboard wrapping of the eggs, black paint, scissors, decorative tape, glue, and some sticker eyes.
How to make fruit and pumpkin lanterns
The following ornament for Halloween is also very easy to make and turns out to be very original. We will only need an orange or a tangerine, and it is enough to cut the inside of the fruit, ensuring that the peel remains in one piece with enough surface available. Next, we will cut out grooves to characterize the face and we will place a small candle inside. We can perform the same steps to decorate pumpkins and we will get great lanterns with terrifying expressions.
Decorating pumpkins for Halloween
The truth is that pumpkins are going to serve us for numerous Halloween projects and crafts. Besides being very typical of the fall season, they are really tasty and nutritious. If we extract the inside of the pumpkin carefully and leave the entire shell, by cleaning it well and letting it dry we can use it to form lanterns with terrifying or funny faces.
How to decorate Halloween pumpkins
Let’s see the steps to follow to make this beautiful decorative pumpkin design. Using a felt-tip pen, trace the designs onto your pumpkin, then carve. Use black spray paint for the inside of the pumpkin and let it dry for an hour. Place a silicone or green rubber disk inside the fake pumpkin as a base. Using our photo as a guide, glue twigs to the base to form trees and then cover the base with moss. Finally, glue a wolf figurine to rock and place it with other rocks on top of the moss.
Original ornament for Halloween
This is a Halloween table topper that everyone will love. Download, print and cut out a bird or feather template; then trace the starting line on a pumpkin. Then use a fine tip brush to fill in with flat black acrylic paint. Let dry for an hour, then you should rest the squash on a bed of moss inside a cloche. We suggest that you extend the life of your creativity by using a fake pumpkin.
Original crafts with vintage-style crochet tablecloths
Grandma’s placemats can be very useful in this simple project. Using masking tape or thumbtacks, secure vintage tablecloths to the open backs of black frames. White crochet looks especially original hanging on a black wall.
Sweets and candies for Halloween
Halloween sweets should not be missing in any home. Let us remember that on this day the children go around the houses to ask for sweets; and if they are not granted, they will punish us with some mischief. To avoid this, it is good that you secure a good amount of goodies, and if possible, terrifying and disgusting-looking goodies.
Decorative wire spiders
Almost everyone is afraid of insects, generally spiders, because they have more limbs than we do. Using wire, your imagination, and somebody’s supplies, you can design decorative spiders for your Halloween party.
Terrifying sweets for Halloween
We hope you have enjoyed and have taken ideas of these crafts for Halloween, we will return very soon with more news of interest, be sure to visit our website.