In recent years, wallpaper or also known as wallpaper, has become as popular as in ancient times. Wallpaper has many benefits to be taken into account in interior decoration. A home should always provide a feeling of tranquility and comfort.
This feeling can be created in many ways. But taking wallpaper into account is one of the easiest and most effective ways to add that touch to the home. When decorating a space, there are many elements and tools that help add texture, color, patterns and depth to the room.
A well decorated area is linked with all of these elements, creating a focal point as well. In the same way, there are different ways to work the walls. The wallpaper grants all of the above to make a beautiful and eye-catching change in the room. Another of its advantages is that it is one of the cheapest ways to transform a space without having the need for so many other elements.
Benefits of wallpaper
Wallpaper offers many benefits, not only is it the aesthetic appearance that it visibly gives. But it also contributes to the durability of the walls. Wallpaper can add texture and depth. Creating a focal point, something that a simple coat of paint cannot achieve.
The vast majority of wallpapers are washable. This is something that many people think, that they cannot or that they are very difficult to wash. But it is not like that, some models can be cleaned with a soft sponge and others with greater resistance to cleaning.
Nowadays, thanks to technological advances, wallpaper can be easily peeled off the wall without any problem. At the time you want to replace it, it will not give any work to remove it. Nor will it mistreat the walls of the room. In the past, the patterns or prints of the wallpapers, which had textures and their colors and styles were very limited.
Today, the wallpaper breaks this scheme. These give new and beautiful styles, colors, textures and many details. Many people believe that wallpaper is very expensive. Similar to paintings, wallpaper has different costs, which can be tailored to anyone’s budget.
But considering that wallpaper has a much higher durability than paint, in the long run you will save a lot more with wallpaper. Remember that you should always consult an expert when purchasing your wallpaper. Specify what type of wallpaper you want and in what area of your home you want to place it.
Artistic wallpaper
This type of art and decoration is a trend today. The paper is made with images tailored to the wall that the user wants to decorate. These wallpapers are personalized and some are inspired by various murals. The images on the papers are perfectly designed on a large scale, guaranteeing a high quality and realistic impression.
It is worth mentioning that the artistic wallpapers are printed using state-of-the-art eco-friendly technology. The themes or motifs are really almost infinite. These range from classic motifs to truly unique contemporary art.
They work perfectly in both large and small rooms or spaces due to their diverse colors and styles. In ancient times, wallpapers were mostly with flower motifs. Today these artistic wallpapers give unusual motifs.
These recreate abstract designs, realistic landscapes, 3D images, among many others. This type of wallpaper projects a lot of personality to the space. But other details must be taken into account so as not to compromise the decoration or comfort of the room.
Depending on the style and pattern of the wallpaper, this will make the room visually larger or, conversely, smaller. For homes with low ceilings, it is best not to use wallpaper with a large pattern. Since this will obviously visually reduce the size of the room more.
It is also not recommended to use a wallpaper with many details or small prints, if the room is loaded with details. Also, when using small prints, the mind is automatically distracted trying to detail and decipher every detail instead of relaxing.
Long lasting and clean
The wallpaper is very durable and can be cleaned. It is designed to meet the needs of each person and each lifestyle. The wallpaper withstands the wear and tear of children and also the heavy traffic conditions in the area. According to an analysis that was carried out in terms of the life cycle, it was established that they can last five times longer than paint.
Most wallpapers have a lifespan of 10-15 years. Instead, a painted wall can chip and crack over time. Thus causing a cleaning and retouching more frequently to make it look fresh again.
And depending on the traffic and the children or pets in your home, the walls will require painting every year. Without a doubt, this is a much more complicated and tedious process than wallpapering the walls with wallpaper. And even better with the new installation technology, which does not damage or leave residue on the walls.
When we mention that the wallpaper is washable, it means that it can be gently cleaned with a damp sponge or cloth. Applying if you want, a normal and simple solution of detergent to eliminate the dirt that it may have. For this reason, wallpaper is perfect for dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms.
There are slightly stronger wallpapers, which can withstand being cleaned with a brush and specific detergent. Of course these being a little stronger, they are also much more durable. This type of wallpaper is much more recommended for the kitchen area, the bathroom and for the laundry area.
Perfect for hiding blemishes
There are times when your walls may be damaged, uneven, cracked, or may not be square enough. In these cases, wallpaper can be extremely helpful in hiding these blemishes, which are much more noticeable with just the coat of paint. With paint, you can liven up the look of a room a bit. But wallpaper goes much further with its ability to mask those imperfections on the wall.
Easy installation and removal of wallpaper
Many people, like the fear of not being able to clean the wallpaper. They are also concerned that the process of attaching and removing the wallpaper will be extremely difficult and troublesome. So they believe that by placing a wallpaper in their home, they will never be able to remove it again. Or if you risk removing it, all the glue will remain on your walls.
Nowadays, the whole process is really very easy. With the technology developed and called “paste the wall” it makes both the installation and the removal of the ugly wallpaper much easier, as easy as painting. With these new wallpapers, they do not have to be soaked in water and attached to the wall while wet, as was done previously.
These wallpapers stick directly to the wall and are done dry, which makes the job easier. When you want to remove them to update them, just lift the corner a little and remove the strips one by one. No tools, no effort, and no hassle. Obviously, what should be paid attention and care, is when placing it. Of course, the pattern must match and not be twisted, not one corner higher than the other.
Trend and style
Artistic wallpaper is on trend, being taken into account by designers from all over the world. With new technologies and contemporary styles, they give the home an elegant and unique look. It can be found in any style to appeal to all people of different generations, and to fit into any space.
Wallpaper can undoubtedly add warmth, texture and depth to any room that cannot be achieved just by painting the walls. Of course, wallpaper also provides the ability to show off your personality and style. This is due to the wide range of patterns, prints and colors available.
Custom Printed Wallpaper
Due to great advancements, new and excellent digital inkjet printing technologies are in use today. Which use inks cured with ultraviolet light for the creation of the personalized wallpaper. The image, whether it be a photograph or digital art, is translated into a blank wallpaper.
These new wallpapers that are being developed since the beginning of this 21st century, have some other very outstanding characteristics. For example, some of these can block certain cell phone and Wi-Fi signals in areas that require much more privacy. This is because they are covered with a silver ink, which forms crystals that block the signals coming out of the room.
Artistic 3D Wallpaper
3D wallpaper is very recently on the market but it is very popular. Without a doubt, these give a very attractive and realistic appearance that radically changes the appearance of a room. It has no limits in terms of design, since the images can be obtained in online stores.
But you can also order the printing of any photo or sketch you want. You literally have no obstacles or limitations with the images you prefer for your room. Not only do you have the full capacity to obtain the image you want, but you can also choose the size of your preference.
With this you can make sure that the image is neither too big nor too small for your wall. This type of 3D wallpaper is very easy to care for. Some have a layer of vinyl that protects them much more from dust and dirt. And thanks to this special layer of vinyl, they can be cleaned with a damp cloth or a soft sponge, without fear of damage.
They are incredibly resistant to wear and tear, thanks to that layer of vinyl. That not only protects you from dust and dirt. But in the same way it protects it from mechanical damage on its surface. Like modern art wallpapers, they are very easy to install.
Without having the need for any special glue or complicated rules. They also have long durability and contribute to the environment being made with state-of-the-art ecological technology. Because the wallpaper is a 3D print, it creates the feeling of spaciousness in the room. Making it appear that the room is part of the image and vice versa.
Some tips for choosing wallpaper
If you already have a decorated room and want to incorporate it into it, it is important that the image you have chosen blends in perfectly and matches the style of the room. If, on the contrary, you are starting from scratch with the design and decoration of the interior of your home.
It is best to first choose the wallpaper of your choice so that you can then choose the paint color for the other walls. It depends on the room for which you want your wallpaper, it should be the reason for printing.
That is, for example, a wallpaper with vibrant and very striking colors would not be good for a bedroom. But if it would be ideal for a living room. For a bedroom you should preferably choose a wallpaper that is relaxing and warm. Many children love decorating the walls with 3D wallpaper. Since they can have pictures of their favorite cartoons or book characters.