The hardest person in the world to buy clothes for is a man who’s unsure of his personal style. Unfortunately, that describes pretty much all men! We are living through an age of fashion cluelessness. Social media influencers and celebrities have convinced average men that the only way to look cool is to look like a Hollywood movie star, i.e., leather jackets, black T-shirts, and boots. However, this style is not one-size-fits-all and some men look much better in other styles of outfit. This post’s intention is to tell you about shoes, the foundation of any good fit. Keep reading to find out how you can buy shoes for the man in your life.
1. Browsing Online Emporiums
If you are looking for shoes for a man in your life, start by browsing online emporiums. There are many different types of shoes, ranging from formal Oxfords to informal sneakers and everything that comes in between. Once you have found a style of shoe (and checked through the other points listed here), don’t hesitate – go ahead and shop now, buying your selected shoe. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that your chosen pair will be out of stock when you go to buy it. Make sure that prior to purchasing shoes, you verify the size. Size is something that’ll be covered in more detail later on in this post, however. Before buying shoes, take the time to research retailers, too. Ensure you have a reliable and trustworthy vendor to buy shoes from. Reviews can help you to determine if a store is worth doing business with. Always read ones posted on Google Review and Trustpilot, as these are two of the internet’s review authorities, and are much more trustworthy than verified testimonials.
2. Studying His Clothes
If you are buying shoes as a gift, you need to make sure that the ones you buy match your intended recipient’s style. If he is into punk rock and wears Doc Martens on a daily basis, buying him a pair of New Balance sneakers might not be the best idea. Take some time to study your recipient’s clothes. Studying their clothes will help you to ensure that you buy the right shoes. If you buy a style of shoe that does not suit him, he may end up not wearing it, which means your money has gone to waste. Something else to note is that in addition to not wearing them, there’s a chance the man you are giving gifts to could get offended. This is especially true if you are somebody very close to him, i.e., a romantic interest or a friend. Why? Well, because giving him an item of clothing that does not suit his personal style means that you have not taken the time to learn what his personal style is. Essentially what this means is that you do not pay attention to him. Every man likes to feel important. Giving one a gift that they hate makes them feel the opposite way.
3. Attitude and Demeanor
Something else for you to consider is your loved one’s attitude and demeanor. If they have a certain attitude, for example, if they are clear about their contempt for men who dress poorly, they won’t want you to buy them a pair of sneakers. The only way to ascertain a man’s demeanor is to speak to them and talk through their opinions and interests. If the person you are buying shoes for is a man who’s very close to you, you may not have to do this, and may already know.
4. Formal Events
Another thing that you want to think about is the amount of formal events that the man you are buying your gift for goes to. If they spend most of their time at dinners and gatherings, buying them a smart pair of shoes is the best thing that you can do. You of course need to make sure that you buy a pair of shoes that match the clothes that they wear. For example, if the man that you are buying a gift for tends to wear gray suits then you should buy them a pair of black or brown shoes. If they only wear black suits, however, you need to make sure that you buy them black shoes. Brown shoes do not go with black suits.
5. Leisure Activities
What does the man you are buying shoes for do in his spare time? If he enjoys leisure activities like sports, you need to buy him a pair of shoes that suit the sports he’s interested in. For example, if he is a sworn runner, buy him a pair of comfortable jogging shoes. Buying shoes that complement your loved one’s hobbies is one of the most effective ways of showing them that you care about them and know them.
6. Getting His Approval
If you have absolutely no idea what pair of shoes is going to look good on the manual buying a gift for, you could always get in touch with them and ask them directly what they want. Asking them what pair of shoes they want will help you to ensure you get the right pair. If there are a pair of shoes that they want but you cannot afford, you may want to consider paying for them monthly on an installment plan. There are many companies that allow you to break down the cost of purchases into affordable monthly repayments.
7. Keeping Any Receipts
After buying the shoes you have chosen, make sure that you keep receipts. Keeping receipts will help you to ensure that if your loved one doesn’t like the gift you have given them, you can return it, or alternatively, they can return it.
8. Perfecting the Size
Finally, make sure that you get a pair of shoes that are the right size for your loved one. All you have to do is ask them what size of shoe they are. Remember that if you’re buying shoes from foreign countries, sizing charts are different. You will need to calculate the correct shoe size according to the chart used by the country you are buying from.
Buying shoes for a man can be a difficult undertaking. However, with this post’s guidance, it doesn’t need to be anymore. There are lots of different factors to consider, from size to taste. Make sure you think about each and every point made here so you are able to get the right pair.