Everybody lies but these stars definitely crossed a line and for that they had to pay the price. So, this is a list of celebrities who are lied in a very worse way.
Jussie Smollett
His story is crazily messed up. It started with Smollett, claiming to be the victim of a heinous crime. The actor was said to have been left beaten, drenched in bleach and with a rope tied around his neck. This guy actually paid, two men to assault him. The two men were brothers originally from Nigeria and during their police interview, they stated that they were paid $3,500 to carry out the attack and supposedly, it was even rehearsed.
The truth is Smollett was trying to raise his salary with the help of this story. The actor who plays the openly gay character of Jamal Lyon on Empire has received a lot of backlash to say the least. Smollett was arrested and released on $100,000 bail. still, he continues to assert that he is telling the truth about this devastating ambush. It’s clear, this possible publicity stunt might have put the Empire actor out of work for good. The report states that although Fox had not responded to common requests, the five of Smollett scenes and his big musical number or cut from Empire.
Once police charged Smollett with a felony for allegedly filing a false police report. Empire executives confirmed Smollett would indeed be ridden off Empire entirely by the end of the current season. With the case still under investigation, a lot of these things are still up in the air including whether he will continue to have a career in Hollywood post scandal. If it turns out that Smollett is proven to have staged the events, it is very possible that he will at the very least, not be cast in anything for a while and could even spend some time in prison.
Steve Rannazzisi
His story may be the most disappointing moments on the list. The league actor Steve Rannazzisi lied about being in the World Trade Center during the 9/11 attacks. For over a decade, the comedian has claimed that on that fateful day in 2001, he was working for Merrill Lynch on the 54th floor of the South Tower and that from his office, he felt the collision of the first plane with the North Tower. In a later interview, he told a detailed story of what happened from his point of view. “I was there and in the first tower got hit and we were like all jostled all over the place.” He then even claimed to have made his way down to the street, escaping his own building just moments before the second plane crashed into it.
Not only was Rannazzisi not in the World Trade Center that day but there is no record that he ever worked for Merrill Lynch and the company never even had an office in either building. So, basically the moment someone did any digging into his suspicious story which took them 14 years to do because most people would assume no one is lying about this kind of thing, it all fell apart and probably the only vaguely good and utterly terrible news about this entire situation is that after being confronted with the inconsistencies in this story, Rannazzisi finally admitted the following; “I was not at the Trade Center on that day. I don’t know why I said this. This was inexcusable. I am truly sorry” as he says himself. This is a pretty inexcusable lie.
“It was profoundly disrespectful to those that perished and those that lost loved ones. The stupidity and guilt I have felt for many years has not abated. It was an early taste of having a public persona, and I made a terrible mistake. All I can ask is for forgiveness” said Steve.
Britney Spears
Britney had betrayed herself as the wholesome girl next door who was waiting until marriage to lose her virginity. Back then, Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake are the ultimate celebrity couple. While they were together, Spears still claimed that she was waiting until they were married to have sex. After they had already been broken up, the truth came out in 2002 during an interview with Timberlake and when she admitted, they’ve been intimate plenty of times, Britney came clean a year later.
Spears said “It was two years into my relationship with Justin, and I thought he was the one but I was wrong.” She added, I didn’t think he was going to go on Barbara Walters and sell me out.” It’s disappointing that Timberlake chose to spill the beans about something so personal. At the same time, it’s also a bummer that Spears felt like she had to lie in the first place.
Star Jones
The co-host of the view, Star Jones struggled with her weight for most of her life. She pushed away family, friends, and fans. Star later revealed that she was feeling awful about every pound she had gained as it was always in the public eye. Jones had always shown her fans that she was comfortable with her weights but the more she gained the more that attitude changed. In 2003, she hit her highest weight of 307 pounds, the fans who had once sent Jones letters of praise for her being true to herself, we’re now setting letters of concern about the co-hosts rapid weight gain. Finally, she decided to undergo gastric bypass surgery. However, she kept the surgery a secret.
Jones had a lot of fear that she would disappoint her fans if she came clean about the weight she lost the weights. Those who loved her, wanted her to admit that she’d gotten medical intervention for her weight struggles but she couldn’t. She said instead, that it was portion control and Pilates because she felt ashamed. The views audience had become uncomfortable with Jones’s image since she claimed her miraculous weight loss was only portion control and Pilates based.
In only last year, Jones finally spoke with Oprah and opened up about what the whole story was all about and how scared she really was. “I didn’t have the courage to say. I ain’t happy no more, a scare.” If Jones had been honest from the start, things would have probably been different. The audience would have loved her, her secret surgery ultimately cost Jones & her job.
Martha Stewart
Martha Stewart has been such a vital part of well-to-do homes and kitchens for decades that it seems so out of character, do something that would cause her to be arrested and jailed. However, in 2001, she became involved in an insider trading scandal that led Stewart being sentenced to five months in jail. That’s because the lady lied to federal investigators regarding the sale of stocks. She sold ImClone stocks right before the stock price dropped because of insider trading, Stewart saved herself money by knowing the product hadn’t gotten FDA approval and would soon plummet in stocks. More than a dozen years after serving a prison sentence for lying to investigators about a stock sale.
Martha Stewart has opened up about the horrifying experience saying nothing good came of it. “It was horrifying, and no one… no one… should have to go through that kind of indignity, really, except for murderers, and there are a few other categories. She added, it’s a very very awful thing.” Stewart went on to stage a comeback following her prison time, resuming control over a successful multimedia company. Since then, she has published additional cookbooks and is now enjoying ongoing success with a rapper friend, Snoop Dogg in an odd couple cooking show on Vh1.
Paris Hilton
Paris Hilton is definitely the queen of getting caught due to drugs, she’s been busted so many times. Following a stint in jail, Paris Hilton appeared on Larry King Live and when asked if she had ever done drugs before, the hotel heiress denied ever using drugs. However, now long after photos of the reality star smoking weed showed up online. To make matters worse, a year after the interview with Larry King, Hilton was arrested for cocaine possession. When she appeared in court, Paris reverted back to her deceitful ways telling the judge that the purse where that cocaine was found was not hers, the same purse contained Hilton’s driver’s license, credit card, and cell phone.
In 2008 The Bling Ring, a group of teens that had robbed a number of celebrities homes including Hilton’s was caught by law enforcement. The teens confessed to their crimes and disclose what they had taken from each home. The items stolen from Paris’s Beverly Hills mansion included jewelry, clothes, shoes, cash and cocaine. Paris tonight having cocaine in her home.
Since her days as a member of Destiny’s Child, Beyonce has received songwriting credits on nearly every song she’s ever recorded. The same went for a 2006 album Bday, especially, when beyonce told a reporter that she wrote most of the tracks including Irreplaceable. Queen bey seemed to take full credit for the song and in an interview saying that “I’m sure people think i wrote it about (Jay-z) or something… but the obvious person is not the person at all.”
As a few years later, Ne-yo revealed that he actually wrote it and gave it to her because he thought it was better suited to a female singer. In an interview, Ne-yo said, “I honestly wrote that song for myself… however, a man singing it comes across a little bit misogynistic, a little bit mean” his comments caused a scandal.
Later, the Divas producer outed Beyonce’s songwriting credits by speaking in a very show business style about it. “People from the outside looking in want to know whether or not she writes her own songs, she’s on a level where things are handed to her. People want to be a part of what she’s doing. She either wrote it or can put her name on it… because that’s the boss she is.” Whilst appreciating Beyonce’s talents, I must say that this is a very shitty way to get out of such a situation.