You can probably imagine the impact a hair transplant may have on a balding person. While losing one’s hair isn’t anything to be embarrassed about, it may nonetheless be depressing. We all want to look and feel our best, and the hair on our heads has the power to build or break our self-esteem.
There’s nothing we can do to stop aging and hair loss in most cases is a hereditary and age related condition. We are luckier than our ancestors though because hair transplant procedures have become widely available with successful, lasting results.
A hair transplant can help individuals who don’t want to live with a receding hairline, thinning hair, or bald patches by providing a solution and reviving their self-confidence.
Simply defined, a hair transplant is a procedure that removes your existing hair and transplants it to an area where you don’t have any. It’s usually obtained from the back of your head, although other regions of your body might also be used. Your surgeon sterilizes the region where the hair will be taken and numbs it with a local anesthetic before beginning the transplant.
How to Get The Best Hair Transplant Results
You should research and learn about the differences in all hair transplant techniques so that you are informed when your surgeon explains why s/he thinks you should go for a certain procedure for your individual situation. Also, you need to decide how many hair grafts you need according to your balding pattern. For example, 5000 hair grafts will be able to cover the frontal and mid-scalp region if your baldness is serious; in some cases even 3000 hair grafts hair transplantation is enough to cover temple area and densify the crown area.
The most common hair transplant procedure is called FUE. Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a treatment that involves harvesting hair follicles from a donor region and transplanting them into decreasing or balding areas.
The transplanted hair will fall out within the first few weeks after the treatment, but this is nothing to be concerned about. Within a few months, new hair will begin to grow. Because the hair loss treatment’s transplant outcome is permanent, your transplanted hair will remain for years to come.
There are various parameters that must be met in order to achieve the best hair transplant outcomes, namely;
- The procedure technique: Hair transplant outcomes are highly influenced by the technique used by your selected surgeon to transplant hair into your thinning or balding regions. Your surgeon will propose the best procedure for you based on the reason for your hair loss and the type of your hair.
- Your hairline: Hair transplant results will be improved if your hairline is meticulously planned with your surgeon. A suitable hairline will give you a more natural appearance and the best possible looks. If you don’t plan your hairline properly, you may end up with unsatisfactory results and the need for a second surgery to correct it.
- The density of your hair: Hair density has a significant impact on the success of a hair transplant. If your donor area has a lower hair density, your surgeon may not be able to transplant enough healthy hair into your recipient areas. Your surgeon can have more follicular units to work with if you have a high donor area density.
- The Clinic: The key to achieving the best outcome is to find an experienced clinic that is able to do proper planning. Your doctor should go through everything regarding the treatment with you at the consultation, from preparations to the surgery to aftercare and follow-ups.
It is however important to note that the outcome of a hair transplant varies from person to person. Aside from the unique sensitivity that each person’s scalp has to hair surgery, initial hair health also plays a role. If hair follicles are inserted between existing hair, the current hair may eventually fall out. Hair that has not been transplanted is not immune to hereditary hair loss.
A good surgeon should duplicate the normal angle of development of the hair follicles, which is an important feature of a high-quality and cosmetically perfect hair transplant. Only competent surgeons with the most accurate contemporary instruments are capable of doing this.
A microscopic examination of your hair density is performed in advanced clinics. They can figure out how many hair follicles are accessible for transplant in the donor location and choose the best hair transplant procedure for the best outcomes.