This post will be telling you about the 6 gadgets that give you superpowers.
Bespoke Bulletproof Suit
Sometimes I feel ten feet tall and bulletproof then the bartender cuts me off. Turns out there’s a way to at least get the bulletproof part down without drinking. Torontonian tailors Garrison Bespoke have created a bespoke bulletproof suit. The fabric is bulletproofed with lightweight carbon nanotubes, custom-tailored into a suit for your specifications. Many of Garrison’s clients work in the diamond or other high-risk industries, and feel the need for a suit to protect them from more than just the elements. The material is thinner, lighter, and more flexible than Kevlar, but designed to harden to block a bullet. While this is really cool, I don’t think my wallet is bulletproof enough to handle one. A single suit reportedly costs $20,000.
Robot Exoskeleton
Gives you Hulk Strength If I really did have twenty grand in my wallet, I might need help picking it up. I could use the Cyberdyne HAL suit, which gives the wearer superhuman strength to carry heavy loads which would be useful in the real world for other jobs involving heavy lifting. It uses a network of sensors to monitor the electrical impulses the wearer’s brain puts out. This is done with EEG, which stands for electroencephalography. Because of this, the suit is basically operated by mind control. Although it weighs 130 pounds, it walks with you, and with superhuman strength who’s going to notice carrying an extra 130 pounds?
Pyro Fireshooter
Ever wanted the ability to shoot fireballs like pyro from x-men? All you need is the Pyro Fireshooter which attaches to your wrist and allows you to carry four fireballs worth of charge. You activate the device with a remote held in your other hand. I think you’ll have to check the local fire codes before playing with this device though.
Working Jet pack
A man named Yves Rossy has invented a working jet pack, just like something you see in the movies. This thing can reach a stunning 160 miles per hour, and Rossy often uses it to make quick six-minute flights. Unfortunately, it’s not ideal for long-distance travel, due to the amount of fuel it uses. This is a problem for all jet pack tech. Meaning more than a quick hop would require you to carry large amounts of heavy fuel, which would force it to expend even more energy lifting the extra weight off the ground. But hey, I’m sure I’ll look really cool and futuristic taking it for a quick run down the block to the corner store. However, if you want to fly over water, just get some JetBlades. Though this is another invention that requires the super power of being rich because you’ll need $5,995 to afford it.
Enhancing Your Mind
A so-called brain cap invented by researchers at the University of Maryland is a non-invasive, sensor lined cap that, like the Cyberdyne HAL suit, operates using EEG. Essentially, it uses your brain waves to control a computer or other networked objects. Researchers designed it to help individuals with disabilities, like paralysis. However, it’s possible that with further development it may one day be available to anyone who needs a boost. Now I wonder if I can change the TV channel with my mind. That truly would be game changing. Believe it or not, the Royal College of Art has produced its own superhero device to augment some of our senses. The EIDOS mask has a superhero feel to it, because it looks like a large mask. But apart from just looking cool, it amplifies visual or auditory signals. Researchers say that because we’re bombarded with these all the time, the mask makes things easier by honing in on one signal and amplifying it. For example, if you’re trying to listen to one conversation at a crowded party, the mask could filter out those voices and amplify them, reducing background noise. Or if you’re attending a concert, you could zoom in on the sound of a particular instrument. The sight-augmenting aspect is similar to long-exposure photography, refining an image then displaying it in the mask’s goggles.
Superhero Armor
Batman and Iron Man have a mask and armor that’s so impressive, the military wants them too. They’ve developed a so-called Iron Man exoskeleton, or T.A.L.O.S. suit, that increases mobility and strength with robotics. T.A.L.O.S. stands for Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, and in addition to increasing strength, it’s also bulletproof, weaponized, and can monitor the wearer’s vital signs. So if a soldier wearing the suit lightly punches someone, the suit amplifies the strength behind it, creating a punch that can smash through wooden planks. The wearer also gains the ability to lift up rockets and rocket launchers like they’re shotguns. Meanwhile, the suit is still flexible enough to do push-ups in, even though push-ups aren’t on my list of super powers. Again, researchers are still trying to improve the suit’s efficiency, as increased power demand might require increased weight because of its power source.