Did you know that around 20-50 million people suffer non-fatal injuries thanks to road crashes every year? If you had a car accident today, you might not be prepared to navigate the situation, so we have put together this guide to share what vital steps you need to take.
Keep reading to learn what to do after a car accident.
1. Always Stop
One of the first things you have to do after any car accident is stop. No matter how big or small the accident seems, legally you need to stop your car. Keep in mind that even if you collide with an object instead of a vehicle you have to stop to observe the damage caused.
2. Do Not Apologize
Sometimes apologizing is second nature to some people but this can leave you liable for repairs. Apologizing can be used against you by the insurance company because they might take it as admitting that you are guilty.
Some insurance policies state that you can’t admit guilt at the scene of the accident because they will not cover you even if you were not at fault.
3. Check for Injuries
Make sure that you and everyone else in your vehicle are not injured. If anyone is severely hurt do not wait for the police to arrive, instead, call an ambulance immediately. Make sure you do not try to move anyone that hurt their neck to avoid further injuries.
4. Record Details
Gather as much information as you can while you are at the scene of the accident. Write down the date and time along with the details of the other vehicle. Make sure to include the make, model, color, and license plate number.
Take notes of how the weather was, the road, and the lighting. Also, write a brief description of what happened. It is a good idea to take out your phone and record a short video of the scene and take pictures as well.
Depending on how serious the accident is you might have to also contact an attorney that specializes in car accidents. Learn when to do it right here.
5. File a Report
Contacting the police is a great idea because they will write up a car accident report when they are at the scene of the accident. In the report, the police will share what they observed and they will also state who they believe was at fault.
This report can really come in handy when you are dealing with the car insurance company.
Now You Know What to Do If You Had a Car Accident Today
We hope that now that you know what to do in the event that you were in a car accident today, you can follow our tips above and get through this stressful situation a little bit easier. And if you find yourself in a precarious situation at the airport, you can call in the services of Air Ambulance 1 to get you out of a difficult spot.
Did our article help you out today? Please keep browsing the rest of this section for some more legal tips.