There’s a lot of new places, a lot of places I haven’t been yet, but I’ve gone through and picked the best 10 destinations to visit. I am taking into consideration political stability and exchange rates, so you can travel to place their safe and inexpensive.
United Kingdom
Brexit happened in the UK, and that’s changed a lot of things, but what has done has made the pound really cheap. It’s cheaper to travel now to the UK than it has been in a long time, so I encourage you to go the UK and get beyond London and go to Northern England where I did a trip, it’s amazing. It might not be the most unique, and chances are you’ve been to London, but this is the time to get out and explore the UK.
Chances are the situation in Cuba is going to change rapidly. I recommend getting in there before it does. It’s on the top of my bucket list.
I’ve wanted to go to Colombia for a long time, but it makes the list now because the government just signed a peace treaty with FARC, the rebel group where there’s been a civil war last 50 years. So times of Narcos is gone. Peace has arrived in Columbia, and it’s just ready to take off.
Quebec is the French-speaking province of Canada. It’s a great alternative to Europe right now, especially if you’re a little bit worried about terrorism. By the way, Quebec City looks like it’s part of France. You can practice French if you’re learning it, but they also speak English there. The food is amazing; there’re amazing festivals like Igloo Fest or Electric Picnic in Montreal.
South Korea
This has been an overlooked destination for a lot of people in Asia. I am excited about it because I am going to speak at an event there in February, the NBNY Forum. It looks fascinating. What really attracts me is the balance between being the most connected country in the world, super technologically advanced, but they’re also rooted in tradition. Not to mention, Korean BBQ and also, Korean bathhouses.
It’s a country made up of thousands of islands. It’s inexpensive and gorgeous. There’s plenty of empty beaches like the island of Palawan. So obviously, the red flag here is that if you’ve been following the news you’ve seen that the Philippines are cracking down on drugs, and there’s been a lot of violence in relation to that. But none of it has targeted tourism, so therefore, I do deem this still safe enough to visit. If you go to the Philippines, I highly recommend you to do not try to score drugs.
Oman is one of our favorite countries in the world. What keeps it on the top of the list is that it remains a stable oasis in a really turbulent region. Oman is a very tolerant country, and a lot of people attribute this to their form of Islam called Ibadi Islam, which is the same as in Morrocco.
Beyond that, it’s got beautiful beaches. It is on the coast, and Omanis are a seafaring culture, so there’s a lot of maritime history, and they also have the most castles of any country in the world. Not to mention it’s covered in gorgeous mountains. So if you’re trying to get off the beaten path, Oman is the destination in the Middle East.
It’s the most stable country in West Africa; it’s got great music, great food, Francophile culture, they speak French there. Not to mention, incredible beaches, great surf, The First Endless Summer was filmed there.
Senegalese are super cool people. When I used to live in the Basque Country in Northern Spain, there were tons of Senegalese, they’re super friendly, very cool place, accessible, safe, fun and also cheap.
It’s a wild and small island off the coast of Australia. Beyond that you’ve got great food; it’s got beautiful natural scenery, and there’s a really interesting culture there. There’s Aboriginal culture as well as a history of the penal colony that used to exist there.
The Australian dollar is currently at a low, which makes it way more affordable to visit Australia. That’s kind of one of the main reasons why I haven’t been back in the last couple of years because the Australian dollar was really strong and the exchange rate was not favorable.
Nicaragua is the neighbor of Costa Rica. It is a beautiful country. Tourism is not as developed. There’re still some beautiful wild places, great surf, tropical weather, friendly people, and a place that I would really like to get back to and do some serious exploration.