Still, there are some of remarkable sights that need to be seen to believe and even then we may not believe them. Here, there is a list of those types of places, its hard to believe but its really exist.
The Blue Pond of Hokkaido
This man-made pond in Bay Hokkaido Japan is unlike any other pond on earth. Somehow the water changes color throughout the year, shifting from blue to green and vice versa. That alone would be magical enough but it’s even more brain bendingly impossible than that. It does not shift from the standard shades of blue and green you may expect from water, its color scheme is dazzlingly bright. Almost a neon, making the water look more like a sugary sports drink than good old H2o.
It’s strangely beautiful brightness in its ever shifting color scheme is thought to be a result of the accidental presence of collodial aluminum hydroxide in the water. It’s very much not safe to drink.
Devil’s Kettle
In Minnesota lies the rather grandly named Lake Superior on the North Shore of which sits a large and expansive park named for the former mayor of Duluth. The park is known as the location of something rather hauntingly referred to as the devil’s kettle. Despite its name, this scientifically impossible place isn’t one of Satan’s own kitchen appliances, it’s merely a colloquial name given to a remarkable waterfall. As the water flows it splits in half due to some conveniently placed rock formations, half the water continues on free as a bird to weave its way through nature for all eternity. While the other half disappears into a pothole, lost into the dark depths of the underground. This is the truly strange thing about Devil’s kettle.
The water falls roughly 10 feet before disappearing underground and nobody can figure out where the disappearing half of the waterfall goes. Researchers have yet to determine where it connects as Dies, ping-pong balls, and other objects thrown into the devil’s kettle do not reappear. Since there is no way to determine the channels the water may pass through, it has been deemed too unsafe for people to explore.
Kawah Ijen
A sulphur mine dubbed kawah ijen was constructed just to the side of a volcano in Indonesia. Now, this may seem a pretty risky place to construct anything but luckily there’s no danger of eruption here, the volcano has long been dormant. At night, a neon blue substance spills down its side, flowing like a river of lava. To see flames, this beautifully purple defies everything we know about nature yet somehow it’s real.
This phenomenon is caused by the sulphur being mined from within the volcano. Heat causes the sulfur gas trapped inside to build up and escape. Causing blue and purple flames to shoot up to 5 meters into the air, the gas then semi solidifies into a liquid form and flows down the mountain. Once it hardens, it is mined by the workers. The sulphur and the air is toxic and gas masks need to be worn to remain safe but many workers cannot afford them and use wet cloths instead but it’s all worth it to see those grimace coloured fireballs.
Hessdalen Lights
In the rural central of Norway just over the hessdalen Valley, floating lights of white, yellow, and red crossed the night sky known as the “hessdalen lights”. They appear when it’s dark and can last anywhere from a few seconds to longer than an hour. The lights sometimes move at an incredible speed and slowly, other times have been seen darting all over the night sky.
People have been spotting these mysterious and brightly colored orbs of light in this exact spot since as early as the 1930’s. For decades now, the curious have been debating and hypothesizing what might be causing them, though it remains one of the world’s many mysteries. The general consensus these days is that the lights are a natural phenomenon and not extraterrestrial but I still don’t know for sure what they are. Some researchers believe they may be caused by ionized iron dust but tests have offered up no solid answer. All we know for sure is that almost every night since the 30’s, these strange balls of dazzling light appear in the sky for all around to see a free firework show for all.
Lake Karachay
During the Cold War, the USSR was desperately working to catch up to the United States and an arms race for nuclear weapons. This required many factories working endlessly around-the-clock, one of which was located in the central Ural Mountains of Western Russia, just up on the banks of Lake Karachay. This was known as the Mayak facility while it was still running they would routinely dump radioactive material and waste directly into the water, not realizing the potential dangers.
There was an accident in 1957 that caused one of the nuclear waste storage tanks to explode causing radioactive particles to travel over 9,000 square miles. Sometime after 1967 to be precise, there was a drought which caused the lake to dry up, radioactive dust spreading via the wind a further 900 square miles. Today, most of the lake is covered by concrete but the area is still so toxic, that simply standing here for an hour can kill someone. Lake Karachay is a little different, this boring slab of concrete is far from pretty but what makes it so impossible to comprehend is that merely standing near it could kill you.
The Amazonian Boiling River
Deep in the Amazon, there is a four mile long river that boils anything foolish enough to stumble into its waters. The Amazonian boiling River does not judge if you’re in it it’ll boil you to death. The river reaches insane levels of heat often as hot as 196 degrees Fahrenheit or 91.1 Celsius and will boil you alive if you dare enter its waters.
It’s certainly not the only River capable of this, in fact, there are many but those rivers have something in common not shared by this one. All those rivers are in relatively close proximity to a volcano that’s the source of the heat naturally serve. The nearest volcano to the Amazonian boiling River is almost 700 kilometers away, that’s nowhere near close enough to have an effect. Yet this infamous River continues to show no mercy, animals have been observed falling into the water and being cooked from the inside out as they struggle and fail to reach safety. Scientists believe there may be a fault line beneath the earth that causes the phenomena but they have yet to prove the theory, for now it remains a mystery.
The Petrifying Well
In North Yorkshire England, there is a long stretch of water known as “The Nidd River” and everything the water touches turns to stone. It’s officially the UK’s oddest pay to enter tourist attraction and centuries ago it was believed to have been cursed by a witch or even the devil himself. The water runs through a gigantic cave and tourists to visit the skull shaped structure daily to test the waters unique properties. Everything tossed into the water somehow magically turns to stone, however, there is something of an explanation.
Scientists have found an unusually high mineral content in the waters of the cave. Items dropped into the water aren’t turning into stone, a hard salt shell is actually forming around them but whilst there’s science to the miracle there’s still an air of mystery though, how it happened so fast is unknown. Normally, stalactites and stalagmites can take centuries to form but the petrification of this well take only weeks.
Underwater Park
Near the hot-swap mountains in Austria, there is a gorgeous park with benches, trees, walking trails, and the works. Whether it be summer or autumn, it’s a wonderful place to take a stroll and enjoy the nature. On top of the nearby mountains is the little town of Tragoss which during the winter is buried under thick layers of snow, pretty standard stuff for Austria still nothing spectacular but in the spring, all that snow melts and the cascading flow of water down the mountains, the park at the bottom become fully submerged.
For one season in a year you can’t walk in this park. For one season a year, if you want to enjoy the sights you need to check on a diverse kit. People literally dive to explore the park during this time.
Endless Lightning Storms
In the Catatumbo river , roughly 300 nights a year full-scale lightning storms start up at 7:00 p.m. and rage endlessly until early dawn. The river lights up so much with thunder and lightning. Scientists have never been able to determine the cause, the longest the area has ever gone without storms with six weeks back in 2010 but before long lightning was streaking across the sky as per normal.
The Chocolate Hills
An odd stroke of luck caused as many as 1,700 hills to grow in a small tight space. It’s already strange enough but come the dry season, the grass of the hills turns a thick chocolaty brown, giving the whole area the look of an aero bar if sadly not edible.