12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

You want something new in your life but you don’t know what … How about you start by changing something at home? You will see that with a simple renovation of some of the spaces in your home you will feel that you are opening your home.


“The kitchen is the heart of the home and it’s where families meet, so if it’s outdated and things aren’t working as well, a buyer will feel it right away,” argues Mendelson Group interior designer Gideon Mendelson. Upgraded appliances, sinks, and countertops will immediately stand out.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

“A well-lit space makes everything look better,” says interior designer Leigh Meadows-McAlpin. “Put dimmers (dimmable switches) in each room and make sure that each room offers ‘layers of light’, such as ambient lighting, or focused for certain tasks.” In addition, the style and finish of the lamps also add a lot of personalities.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

“Trim gives the home a ‘finished’ feel and can help a buyer feel like the home has been quality built,” Mendelson explains. The moldings are like the icing on the cake, in a room.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

This reform can be relatively low cost, but significant if you are looking to sell your home, Meadows-McAlpin explains: “Creating an orderly place to start and end the day helps potential buyers visualize their daily routine at home.”


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

“Many houses have these rooms and, with today’s busy lifestyle, having an area where you can drop everything from work, school and hobbies, helps to keep the rest of the house looking neat and clutter-free,” he says Meadows -McAlpin. And for rainy and snowy days, leave your boots and coats in the hall or mudroom and save time and cleaning in the rest of the house.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

Yes, wood is important, but not all wooden floors are of the same quality. “Swap out the typical orange wood from the ’60s and your home will immediately enter the 21st century,” says designer Bradley Odom of Dixon Rye.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

“Por norma empezamos y terminamos todos los días en el baño, pero si no está ordenado y limpio, es difícil que te sientas tú también así”, dice Mendelson. Pero no hace falta una renovación completa para impresionar a un comprador, unas mejoras menores (como revisar las juntas del suelo o cambiar el viejo extractorde aire) ayuda mucho.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

“The exterior is everything, but if you don’t have the budget to update your yard or exterior, at least pay a little attention to the entrance,” says Meadows-McAlpin. A fresh coat of paint on the door, polished hardware, and a neat front porch will catch the eye of buyers.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

For buyers, brick shelves are more interesting than freestanding furniture, as they can keep them. “Storage spaces always fill up, even when you think you have enough. Never underestimate the power of keeping something out of sight,” says interior designer Dayna Hairston.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

Kayla Hein, Creative Director at Modern Castle, knows that for many homeowners, the loft is often a messy, dusty space for storing the Christmas tree and old childhood toys. “If you don’t need that much storage space, turn the loft into an extra bedroom or living room. It’s a good use of resources, space, and money.”


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

“A fresh coat of paint can breathe new life into any space, freshen up faded walls and think about what vibe you want to give the room,” says Hairston. A bold color can also help architectural details like trim and windows stand out a lot more.


12 Projects to Renovate Your Home Decor Without Spending a Lot

“Renewing window blinds or floor-to-ceiling curtains with new fabrics is a must and helps refine a space,” says Odom. Better yet, it says curtains last longer, so you can enjoy your new curtains for a long time.