Cats are cute creatures and very mysterious in some ways. They can be loving but they’re also incredibly independent. There are some cats which are unique breed and popular cats. This is the list of some of those cats.
The World’s Smallest Cat
The world’s smallest cat is more than adorable. It’s known as the Prionailurus rubiginosus or rusty spotted cat for short. This cat is so small that it can actually fit into the palm of your hands when they’re full-grown adults as they never grow to be very big. Also, the only way anywhere from 2 to 3.5 pounds. However, this small size doesn’t come with survival adaption abilities because they have very unique senses of smell and agility.
They’re very athletic and their eyes are far superior to humans, with their eyes being six times more powerful than those of humans. These cats are very adventurous but they’re very cautious as well because out in the wild they’re a meal to everything. So, they know more than most animals out in the wild that they have to be extra careful when they’re out and about and this is why they have such heightened senses. All it takes is one wrong mistake or one loud noise to alert other predators in the area of its presence. It has unique stripes on its fur and it can jump incredibly high for its size.
Devon Rex
This new breed of cats wasn’t very popular or even discovered until the 1960’s. This breed of cat was really popular around England during this time because it had a very unique look but not everyone took a shine to the unique look of the cat. Some people thought it was a rather ugly cat and that it looked kind of like an alien and some people also referred to the Devon Rex as a pixie cat. Also, the behavior of this cat is rather strange and some cat owners report that it doesn’t even act like most other breeds of cat. Some owners report that the Devon Rax acts like more of a dog than a cat and is far more dependent on human touch and comfort than other breeds of cat.
We all know the cats like to be independent and some breeds don’t prefer to be touched at all but the Devon Rex is definitely someone you can cuddle up next to if you’re looking for a family-friendly feline that likes to have constant attention and affection. Just don’t let it go without affection for too long because the meow of this cat isn’t particularly enjoyable to listen.
Egyptian Cats
The more commonly known as the Abyssinian cats and they’re one of the most popular breeds for rich people. These cats are one of the most expensive cats to own. They’re known as Egyptian cats and they’re one of the smartest breeds in the world. They’re extremely independent and they’re incredibly intelligent.
Their overall appearance can be described as having a long torso with very slender legs. Their fur coats are very short and they’re very close to their bodies so you really shouldn’t have to worry about shedding that much. They’re definitely not lab cats if that’s the type of cat you’re looking for and if you’re worried about a cat not being family friendly then don’t worry because these cats mix well with families and children.
They also do okay with other cats and aren’t very territorial. They’re more passive and just want to be left alone. They’re not very protective though so you probably won’t see this type of cat running out to guard your child against some stray dog or other cat.
Sphynx Cats
These are regarded as one of the ugliest cats in the world by some people because they have no hair. The Sphynx breed of cat is a completely hairless cat and its body’s wrinkled. However, they’re still very popular for a lot of people. These cats were born and bred in Canada. They weren’t discovered until around 1966 according to the CFA.
People report that they have no hair due to mother nature and it’s a genetic mutation which can occur once every 15 years. When they were discovered, people started breeding them with short haired cats so that they would be born with hair but after it was discovered that some people actually prefer them hairless, they started breeding completely hairless cats together again. However, if you own one of these cats and live in an area that gets hot or cold you have to keep them protected from the elements or they can die.
Scottish Fold Cats
These are one of the most playful breed of cats out there. They’re very charming, cute, easy to train and very sweet-natured. You should be warned though if you want to own a Scottish Fold cat, you have to have a lot of things for the cat to do because they have a lot of energy. They are extremely playful and if they get bored with their toys and you aren’t providing enough attention, they’ll find something on their own to do and I can’t promise that you’ll like whatever it is they find to get into.
Scottish folds do have one particular problem that isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it’s rather interesting behavior. When the Scottish Fold blends in with a family, they’ll pick one family member out of everyone and they’ll become attached to that family member, no one knows why they do this. They have a rather interesting variety of purring sounds too and they can make different sounds based on how they’re feeling. They are great for a family but if the cat doesn’t pick you, don’t expect to see it too often.
American Shorthair Cat
You’ve probably seen a lot of these over the span of your lifetime because they’re one of the most popular breed of cat to have in a household. This is also known as America’s breed hence the name the American Shorthair cat. However, despite the name these cats were actually brought over by European settlers or at least that’s what historians think.
They’re pretty balanced in terms of the way cats present themselves and they’re not aggressive and their temperament is usually pretty balanced. They’re not too nice and cuddly but they’re not aggressive at the same time. It’s not the smartest breed of cat you can own but they’re generally pretty intelligent and it really just depends on the family it comes from as far as its intelligence goes. It has a rather good disposition as well.
The shorthair cat also has a rather interesting ability to get along with other pets and it’s very good with children. It’s very friendly to other family members and most people shouldn’t have any problems with this breed of cat as a pet.
Maine Coon Cats
Another popular type of cat is the Maine Coon breed. This is because this breed is actually one of the oldest breeds in North America. Their size is relatively large and they’re a very playful breed. so, you need to have a lot of energy if you plan on raising this cat without another cat for it to play with. Also, they’re known for their intelligence and they’re far more intelligent than a lot of other cats on this list. Their coats are relatively shaggy and they’re known to give off a rather rugged appearance.
In general, they usually won’t bother other pets and they’re not very dominant when it comes to their territories. So, you don’t have to worry about that with other pets. They also sometimes like to act like dogs and are a bit affectionate. So, they’re great for cuddling.
Persian Cat
Persian cats are unmistakable when you see one you will know it’s a Persian cat. They’re hard to mistake because they also have very round faces and they’re very fluffy. Their fur tends to stick out compared to other cats and they’re very easy to get along with. They’re very quiet and even their meow is quiet but they don’t make a lot of noises unless they’re hungry.
There’s some of the most docile cats in the world, they’re very laid-back which makes them a great family pet cat. Persian cats have been around for the longest, at least more than some of the other breeds mentioned in this list and they’re a very popular breed of cat. It’s not clear where these cats come from but if we go by their name then they obviously came from Persia and some of their history goes back all the way to 1684 BC.
British Shorthair Cat
These cats date back all the way to the Roman Empire. These cats have very distinct eyes and their fur is usually pretty thick. Their eyes always stand out above their fur though which makes them incredibly easy to identify. When they first arrived in England, it’s believed that they were bred with another breed in England which altered their appearance significantly. Then, it’s believed that they were cross bred with Persian cats and this act changed their look significantly as well. This made it so that the British Shorthair had significantly more fur they were fluffier and their eyes started to stand out more.
It’s one of the most popular cat breeds in the world for their distinct looks and their intelligence. If you know someone who has a cat that likes to go outside and hunt, it’s more than likely a British Shorthair cat because they are very adept hunters. This dates back all the way to the Roman Empire and it’s believed that this is why they were bred in the first place but no one really knows for sure.
Ragdoll Cat
These are very popular pets and for really good reason. If you’re looking for a family friendly pet and you’re looking for a cat that’s good with the entire family, then look no further than the Ragdoll lineup of cats. These cats are incredibly friendly and they are incredibly fluffy. Their general demeanor is nice but they always look like they’re in a bad mood if you look at their face. Don’t let the face fool you though because these cats are always up for a nice cuddle session.
There are some of the easiest going cats on the planet, when these cats are picked up they tend to go limp and they start to relax in someone’s arms. They actually enjoy the company of humans unlike a lot of other cat breeds and they enjoy being pet as well, this is where they get the name rag doll because they tend to collapse like one as well. They actually look for human companionship unlike a lot of other cats and they’re very protective of their owner if you treat them right. They’re very protective of children as well.